Your keyword is "66643".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 7.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 1182.65M666431XR_033759.1LOC666431similar to ribosomal protein L21
jump to map jump to detail 1443.79M666436XR_033458.1LOC666436hypothetical LOC666436
jump to map jump to detail 1130.25M666432-LOC666432similar to Hsp70/Hsp90 organizing protein; hop
jump to map jump to detail 158.40M666437XM_983841.1EG666437predicted gene, EG666437
jump to map jump to detail 138.05M666434XM_983830.1EG666434predicted gene, EG666434
jump to map jump to detail 829.30M666430XR_033765.1LOC666430similar to Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
jump to map jump to detail 1717.57M66643NM_025681.2LIX1, 5730466L18RIKlimb expression 1 homolog (chicken)