Your keyword is "66615".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 10.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 1100.16M666153-LOC666153glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase pseudogene
jump to map jump to detail 1724.03M666157XR_033542.1LOC666157similar to Ribosomal protein L7a
jump to map jump to detail 195.67M66615NM_174874.2ATG4B, 2510009N07RIK, APG4B, ATG4BL, AUTL1autophagy-related 4B (yeast)
jump to map jump to detail 1442.26M666156XM_982027.2EG666156predicted gene, EG666156
jump to map jump to detail 1442.69M666152XM_988677.1EG666152predicted gene, EG666152
jump to map jump to detail 595.81M666159-EG666159predicted gene, EG666159
jump to map jump to detail 1442.26M666155-LOC666155similar to CDNA sequence BC061237
jump to map jump to detail 4143.89M666150-LOC666150similar to Zmynd11 protein
jump to map jump to detail 1114.25M666615-LOC666615hypothetical LOC666615
jump to map jump to detail X52.28M666151XM_981963.1EG666151predicted gene, EG666151