Your keyword is "66556".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 9.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 871.85M665561XR_032687.1LOC665561similar to isolog of yeast sui1 and rice gos2; putative
jump to map jump to detail 117.94M665564-LOC665564similar to HMG-box transcription factor 1
jump to map jump to detail 1444.24M666556-EG666556predicted gene, EG666556
jump to map jump to detail 595.02M665560-LOC665560hypothetical LOC665560
jump to map jump to detail 918.09M665567-LOC665567hypothetical LOC665567
jump to map jump to detail 591.41M665563NM_026788.11110019K23RIK, C630010D07RIK, MTHFD2LRIKEN cDNA 1110019K23 gene
jump to map jump to detail 1559.07M665565XM_001475049.1LOC665565similar to Ribosomal protein L17
jump to map jump to detail 195.42M66556NM_024176.1DRAP1, 2310074H19RIKDr1 associated protein 1 (negative cofactor 2 alpha)
jump to map jump to detail 1616.82M665562XM_983910.1EG665562predicted gene, EG665562