Your keyword is "20922".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 3.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail X46.50M209224NM_145951.3ENOX2, AI314192, APK1, COVA1, MGC32453, TNOXecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 2
jump to map jump to detail 787.20M209225NM_175433.4ZFP710, 5430400N05RIK, 9830165K13, AI324798zinc finger protein 710
jump to map jump to detail 1187.55M20922NM_009296.1SUPT4H1, AL022777, SUPT4Hsuppressor of Ty 4 homolog 1 (S. cerevisiae)