Your keyword is "66922".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 4.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 7121.23M66922NM_025846.1RRAS2, 2610016H24RIK, C86394, TC21related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2
jump to map jump to detail 578.11M669227-LOC669227hypothetical LOC669227
jump to map jump to detail 769.83M669222-LOC669222similar to mannose-6-phosphate receptor binding protein 1
jump to map jump to detail 5107.21M666922-EG666922predicted gene, EG666922