Your keyword is "66840".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 8.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 394.41M668409XR_002179.1EG668409predicted gene, EG668409
jump to map jump to detail 394.26M668403XR_033918.1LOC668403similar to ribosomal protein S2
jump to map jump to detail 410.37M666840XR_001926.2LOC666840similar to Ldha protein
jump to map jump to detail X100.69M668406XR_034219.1LOC668406similar to ribosomal protein S12
jump to map jump to detail 11121.20M66840NM_025793.2WDR45L, 0610008N23RIK, AA408735, D16BWG0193EWdr45 like
jump to map jump to detail 286.96M668402-LOC668402similar to ADP-ribosylation factor protein
jump to map jump to detail 12115.06M668405-LOC668405ribosomal protein L26 pseudogene
jump to map jump to detail 1944.01M668408XM_001001317.1LOC668408similar to sterile alpha motif domain containing 1