Your keyword is "66834".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 9.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 1056.22M668347XR_033146.1EG668347predicted gene, EG668347
jump to map jump to detail 1324.92M66834NM_025790.2THEM2, 0610006O17RIKthioesterase superfamily member 2
jump to map jump to detail X99.92M668343XR_002167.1EG668343predicted gene, EG668343
jump to map jump to detail 393.74M668346XM_001001033.1EG668346predicted gene, EG668346
jump to map jump to detail 732.53M668342-EG668342predicted gene, EG668342
jump to map jump to detail X99.97M668349XM_001001046.1EG668349predicted gene, EG668349
jump to map jump to detail 393.68M668341XM_001001011.1EG668341predicted gene, EG668341
jump to map jump to detail 1446.48M666834XR_033656.1LOC666834similar to fusion protein: ubiquitin (bases 43_513); ribosomal protein S27a (bases 217_532)
jump to map jump to detail 393.71M668344XM_001479907.1LOC668344similar to Tdpoz5 protein