Your keyword is "66494".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 9.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 768.44M664943XM_973504.1EG664943predicted gene, EG664943
jump to map jump to detail 897.36M664947XM_001475485.1LOC664947similar to ribosomal protein L7a
jump to map jump to detail 858.93M664948-LOC664948similar to 26S proteasome subunit p40.5
jump to map jump to detail X28.44M664944XR_035657.1EG664944predicted gene, EG664944
jump to map jump to detail 1355.43M66494NM_025596.5PRELID1, 2610524G07RIK, PRELIPRELI domain containing 1
jump to map jump to detail 529.54M664949XR_001686.1EG664949predicted gene, EG664949
jump to map jump to detail X111.17M664945-EG664945predicted gene, EG664945
jump to map jump to detail 634.33M664942-LOC664942similar to Casc4 protein
jump to map jump to detail 16.37M664946-LOC664946hypothetical LOC664946