Your keyword is "17063".
A Keyword search against "Ncbi Entrez GeneID" was performed.
The number of hits is 3.
mapgene informationchr.posi.IDACCsymbolname
jump to map jump to detail 7109.90M170639NM_130866.3OLFR78, 4633402A21RIK, MOL2.3, MOR18-2, PSGR, RA1Colfactory receptor 78
jump to map jump to detail 4122.87M170638NM_174998.2HPCAL4, AI846570, NVP-2hippocalcin-like 4
jump to map jump to detail 1633.81M17063NM_010739.1MUC13, 114/A10, 14/A10, AI159736, LRRP, LY64, NJ-1mucin 13, epithelial transmembrane